Understanding Generator Power Ratings
April 30, 2024Understanding power ratings is an essential part of understanding how a whole home generator works. Learning about generators’ power ratings will help you optimize your power needs and make an informed decision when purchasing a whole home generator.
How does a whole home generator work?
Whole home generators provide backup power during a power outage. Kohler whole home generators immediately sense when the power’s gone out and begin running using an alternative power source, separate from the power you receive from the grid. Generally, they tap into your home’s gas line or an external propane tank for power. However, the amount of power they draw from that external source and pull into your home or business is largely dependent on the generator’s power rating.
What is a power rating?
A power rating is a whole home generator’s capacity and capability of producing electricity. The higher the power rating, the more electricity it can produce. For example, a whole home generator with a low power rating may struggle to run your air conditioning. However, a whole home generator with a high-power rating can handle running the A/C, various appliances, Wi-Fi, and more.
How are whole home generator power ratings measured?
Whole home generator power ratings are measured by their power output in watts (W) or kilowatts (kW). The size of the engine and the alternator on a whole home generator is a large factor in how many kW of power it can generate. Additionally, the type of fuel and design of a whole home generator may also affect the power rating.
What power rating do I need for my whole home generator?
Bigger isn’t always better and you likely won’t need the highest power rating for your whole home generator if you aren’t using it commercially. Instead, you’ll want to assess how much power you plan to use before selecting a specific power rating on a whole home generator. The certified Kohler technicians at Empowered Global can assist you in determining your total power usage and which power rating would be best for your needs. Reach out for a free consultation to learn more about power ratings and select the best whole home generator for your needs.